Time | 2024/05/06, 22:43:24 (GMT) |
Transaction ID | GKNZ9SF5ZVAZYGNU |
Service | smtp |
Location | NL (Netherlands) |
Attacker | |
Classification | Other |
Harm Potential | Not |
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Content-Description: Mail message body Subject: Dear Sir / Madam, To: Recipients <info@imf.org> From: "MR ABD BAWA" <info@imf.org> Date: Mon, 06 May 2024 15:43:25 -0700 Reply-To: mrabdbawa22@aol.com FROM THE DESK OF MR ABDULRASHEED BAWA EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CRIMES COMMISSION(E.F.C.C) IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION(F.B.I) N0. 15A AWOLOWO ROAD, IKOYI LAGOS-NIGERIA.WEST-AFRICA. Dear Sir / Madam, FRAUD PREVENTION / FINAL PAYMENT NOTICE Firstly we introduce this commission, Economic & Financial Crimes Commissio= n(EFCC), we fight cyber crime, Internet fraud, scams and money laundering i= n Africa, America and London (United Kingdom) Our commission has been in ex= istence since 2004 and our duty is to stop Internet Fraud. I really do not now what you think of me as i can assure you that this is n= ot one of those scam email you get I am giving you my world that this is no= scam. All you have to do is to contact the CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Tony Elumel= u (PAYMENT DIRECTOR) with the needed information below. I most say that all= we are doing is for your own good and for your payment to get to you with = no problems. CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Tony Elumelu (PAYMENT DIRECTOR). EMAIL: ( elumelumrtony= 4@gmail.com ) furnish him with the following data of yours immediately as w= e intend finalizing this payment in few days=E2=80=99 time. Your Name Your Mailing address (Not P.o Box Please) Your Direct Mobile Number Occupation: Age: Update me as soon as you get email from CONTACT PERSON: Mr. Tony Elumelu (P= AYMENT DIRECTOR) as his bank is the only office approved by the government = to pay you your sum of $8.500.000.00. Regards Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa EFCC Executive Chairman .
All details are coming from honeypot central database.
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