Time | 2025/01/26, 14:12:51 (GMT) |
Transaction ID | H5ZB0JDP8O0BGPJF |
Service | ftp |
Location | BE (Belgium) |
Attacker | |
Classification | Anonymous credential request |
Harm Potential | Medium |
Client : is connected to ftp://ftp.***********:21 220 ftpsrv Microsoft FTP Service <Version 5.0>. USER anonymous 331 OK. PASS anonymous@ 230 OK. OPTS UTF8 ON 451 Sorry. PWD 257 "/" TYPE A 200 Type set to I PASV 227 Entering Passive Mode (0,0,0,0,228,125). LIST 150 Here comes the directory listing. 226 Directory send OK. CWD / 200 OK. Client : is disconnected from ftp://ftp.***********:21
All observations are coming from honeypot central database.
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