Time | 2024/05/08, 00:59:05 (GMT) |
Transaction ID | KNB56Q4B2OY0ZBYZ |
Service | ftp |
Location | HK (Hong Kong) |
Attacker | |
Classification | Command check |
Harm Potential | Not |
Client : is connected to ftp://ftp.***********:21 220 ftpsrv Microsoft FTP Service <Version 5.0>. USER anonymous 331 OK. PASS 230 OK. PWD 257 "/" HELP Commands may be abbreviated. Commands are: auth cdup cwd dele feat help list mdtm mkd mlsd nlst noop opts pass pasv port pwd quit rest retr rmd rnfr rnto size stor syst type user Client : is disconnected from ftp://ftp.***********:21
All observations are coming from honeypot central database.
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